Monday 5 November 2012

Gmail SMS

Send free SMS to your friends from Gmail

How it works

  • From Gmail, click on Settings, and go to the Labs tab
  • Scroll down until you see “Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat” and select Enable
  • Also enable the “SMS in Chat gadget” and then Save Changes
  • You can send free texts to your friends in the US and many countries around the world

How to send a SMS from Gmail

  1. Log into your Gmail account. In theSend SMS box above Chat, enter the phone number you want to send a SMS to.
  2. In the dialog box, enter Contact name of the SMS recipient and check that country and phone number are correct. Then, clickSave.
  3. Type your message in the chat window and hit Enter.

Saturday 22 September 2012



1. Strengths and Weakness or Positive and Ngative Points
Ans: You should know strengths and weakness.Don’t try to copy others Weakness and Strong points try to ask these questions to yourself and prepare these questions few days before from interview. And you should have real examples or try to make examples of your strengths and weakness. If you say you are a voracious reader then you should be capable of giving a related real life example where you can say you are a voracious reader.
2. What are your Hobbies ?
Ans: Don’t try to make fool of them,if you do so ,probably you may get catched by them if you are violating your previous spoken words.Always assert your real hobbies or that you actually do in free time. Because they will ask a lot of questions from your hobbies part.Like your hobbies include Cricket so they may ask you questions related to that not hard ones but general.So be prepare for that.
3. Extra co-curricular activities
Ans: Explain what you have done apart from your studies,it may be anything in which you feels your passion ,and you must have did something in that.
4. Tell me about yourself.
Ans: Tell them your Bio data which include all the information in the Bio data and be fluent while speaking about yourself.Because the one doesn’t know about himself or have hesitation in speaking about himself is of no use for them.
5. What experience do you have in this field?
Ans:If you are a fresher then you doesn’t have any experience then tell them about the project on which you have worked and about the training in company.
6. What do you know about this organization?
Ans: This is one of the most important question because you are going to join their organization and must know about them.You should search about TCS and know latest happenings, awards won by TCS and a little history of TCS. You can go to for that information.
7. Are you a team player?
8. Why should we hire you?
Ans: In this part you should tell your strength and how their company is going to get benefit from it and you can use them in their firm so that company will get benefit from it.
9. What is your greatest strength?
10. Tell me about your dream job?
11. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
12. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
13. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
14. Do you have any questions for TCS?
Ans: This is also one of the important question to answer at last of the interview so prepare yourself for such a question before going to interview. But questions about Payscale, working hours should not be asked which make them feel that your thinking is too narrow,cheap You can go for socialism if you like social services. And many other questions are there. But what is more important is, to ask a question because that shows your interest in company.Make yourself completely prepare for this question.
And try to get answers of these questions from yourself,ask yourself about these questions.



Steps to Tackle Error 404-page not found:
1.Go to your site.
2.Now go to SEO which is on left side and click on it ,you will get Permalinks .
3.Click Permalinks ,you will get Permalink Settings .
4.Now select the checkbox in front of Strip the category and checkbox front ofRedrict attachment URL’s to parent post URL.
5.Now go to Edit files which is also under SEO,here you will get .htaccess file,now resave it .
6.As you perform both step no 4 and 5,error 404 will be solved.

TCS-Technical Interview Questions:
•What is static variable?
•What does a pointer mean?
•What is a structure?
•What are the differences between structures and arrays?
•In header files whether functions are declared or defined?
•What are the differences between malloc() and calloc()?
•What are macros? what are its advantages and disadvantages?
•Difference between pass by reference and pass by value?
•What is static identifier?
•Where are the auto variables stored?
•Where does global, static, local, register variables, free memory and C Program instructions get stored?
•Difference between arrays and linked list?
•What are enumerations?
•What is a class?
•What is an object?
•What is the difference between an object and a class?
•What is the difference between class and structure?
•What is public, protected, private?
•What are virtual functions?
•What is friend function?
•What is a scope resolution operator?
•What do you mean by inheritance?
•What is abstraction?
•What is a data structure?
•What does abstract data type means?
•Evaluate the following prefix expression ” ++ 26 + – 1324″ (Similar types can be asked)
•Convert the following infix expression to post fix notation ((a+2)*(b+4)) -1 (Similar types can be asked)
•How is it possible to insert different type of elements in stack?
•Stack can be described as a pointer. Explain.
•Write a Binary Search program
•What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface?
•What is user defined exception?
•What do you know about the garbage collector?
•What is the difference between java and c++?
•In an HTML form I have a button which makes us to open another page in 15 seconds. How will you do that?
•What is the difference between process and threads?
•What is update method called?
•Have you ever used HashTable and Directory?
•What are statements in Java?
•What is RMI?
•Explain about RMI Architecture?
•What are Servelets?
•What is the use of servlets?
•Explain RMI Architecture?
•How will you pass values from HTML page to the servlet?
•How do you load an image in a Servelet?
•What is purpose of applet programming?
•How will you communicate between two applets?
•What are the basic functions of an operating system?
•Explain briefly about, processor, assembler, compiler, loader, linker and the functions executed by them.
•What are the difference phases of software development? Explain briefly?
•Differentiate between RAM and ROM?
•What is DRAM? In which form does it store data?
•What is cache memory?
•What is hard disk and what is its purpose?
•Differentiate between Complier and Interpreter?
•What are the different tasks of Lexical analysis?
•What are the different functions of Syntax phase, Scheduler?

If you are a Electronics student some topics are suggested for you to be asked at the time of interview.Prepare the subject well but do not go so deep,but keep overview of all subjects.
  •  Digital electronics basic
  •  Diodes basic
  •  Terms like amplifier, IC, filter (only the basic information)
  • Some basics of C/C++
  •  Difference between 8085 and 8086
  • Communication basics
  •  How does 1G, 2G, 3G, GSM, CDMA etc just basics
  •  What is OSI layer model
  •  What is LAN, WAN, MAN
  •  Tell about Router and Topologies, TCP/IP model.

Some questions asked to Electronics Students during Technical Interview at Campus Recruitment in Jabalpur – 2011:
  • What is MOSFET
  • What is LCS
  • What is LED TV
  • Differentiate between LCD,LED and PLASMA.
  • Explain working of an LCD and PLASMA TV.
  • Draw the diagram of MOSFET
  • What is norton’s theorem
  • What is mobile communication
  • Working of keypad in a mobile unit
  • Call-generation through a mobile
  • In a mobile how does * and # works or what is its use
  • Explain LED.
  • What is MATLAB

Top 10 software companies in India-2012

Top 10 software companies in India-2012

1.Tata consulting service(TCS)
4.Mahindra Satyam
6.Tech Mahindra
7.iGate Patni
8.I-Flex Solutions(part of oracle)
9.MPHASIS(an HP company)
10.L&T Infotech

Top 10 software companies in world 2102

Top 10 software companies in world-2102

8.CA Technologies

Monday 10 September 2012

Google Web History(New feature in google)

What is Google Web History

This free service remembers where you’ve been on the web when you’re logged into your Google account. You might think of Google web history as a password protected online audit trail of your web activity. Although it doesn’t store the page contents, it does grab the URL of pages you’ve visited along with a timestamp. If you’re accessing a secure page such as those with https://, your activity isn’t recorded. It also records your Google searches.
Although the web history can include your Google searches and visited pages this doesn’t mean it will record everything by default. There are some requirements. For Google to record web page visits, you need to install the Google toolbar for your browser and enable the Page Rank and Page Info option. Without the toolbar, only your searches will be saved.
Another variable is when you opened your Google account. By default, Google now enables this feature for new accounts. It’s possible you missed this text when you signed up.

How do I see my Google Web History

1. Go to
2. In the top right corner, look for the link My Account. You may need to Sign In first.
3. From your Google Account page, click Web History from the Services column on the right.
If Google has been capturing your data, you should see results like the screen snap below.

What Does Google Web History Show?

Like most Google products, the screen is nicely organized in thirds. The left column represents different Google properties you can scan or actions on your content. The middle section is the main area and provides the details. The far right provides a calendar if you wish to refine your content to a specific day.
The main content area depicts my web history for July 30th in chronological order. There are three types of items represented, which equate to the numbered markers.
Item 1 - An example of a Google search. I was searching for the Google toolbar for IE.
Item 2 - This is an example of a web page I visited that day. Since I’ve enabled Page Rank and Info with my Google toolbar, non-Google pages such as the Weather Underground page are logged.
Item 3 - This is an example of a bookmark as shown by the gold star. You can also add notes or labels to bookmarks for classification.

Acting on the Data

One nice feature of the service is that you can act on your stored data. You can use the search textbox to find a site you can’t remember. For example, while searching for a restaurant recently, I reviewed many online menus. Later, I needed to find which of the menus had a salmon entrée.
Google also does make the categorization easier with the links on the left side. An item to note is these side links relate to Google properties. As example, my visit to the New York Times site was not categorized as News. Only stories I read from Google News would show in this section.
Another feature that will appeal to people is being able to bookmark a page after the fact. How many times have you visited a site and forgot to note or bookmark it? With web history, you can mark an item at any time. Google provides a bookmark button at the bottom of each page. You can even export your bookmarks.

Building a Web Profile

In some regards, it’s great to be able to use someone else’s servers to store your web history and bookmarks. You’re not dependent on being on a specific computer. I can do research at my public library and see the information when I return home. It’s also nice that Google can leverage this data to make your future Google searches more relevant based on items I’ve viewed. Even the Trends section is interesting by spotting places you frequently visit or your top queries.
This personalization also raises concerns for people. There are plenty of people who dislike this tracking behavior. They don’t think anyone should track your web movements in this fashion whether it’s Google or their government. While Google has stated how they use the data and how it can benefit you, people still wonder what other inferences they might draw based on your activity. Certainly, they are not the first service to use previous transactions for recommendations, nor will they be the last. Just think of the number of online retailers that use past purchases for recommendations.

Stop the Data Capture & Erase Google Web History

Google has provided several options for people to remove data. You can easily check items and delete them from your web history. This is a useful feature around holidays where maybe you don’t want tracks left at online retailers. Of course, this really only applies if you didn’t log out of your Google account and someone knew how to access the page. There is also a feature where you can pause the service from your web history page.
At some point, you may decide you don’t want Google to retain your web history. If that’s the case, you can delete your data.
1. Go to
2. Sign into your account.
3. Click the My Account link in the top right.
4. Click the Edit link to the right of My services.
5. Click Delete Web History.
6. Read the warning on the page.
7. Check the box Yes, I want to permanently remove Web history from my Google account.
8. Enter your current Google password.
9. Click Remove Web History.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Types Of Viruses

                        Not all computer viruses behave, replicate, or infect the same way. There are several different categories of viruses and malware. Below I list and discuss some of the most common types of computer viruses.

Trojan Horse:
              A Trojan horse program has the appearance of having a useful and desired function. While it may advertise its activity after launching, this information is not apparent to the user beforehand. Secretly the program performs other, undesired functions. A Trojan Horse neither replicates nor copies itself, but causes damage or compromises the security of the computer. A Trojan Horse must be sent by someone or carried by another program and may arrive in the form of a joke program or software of some sort. The malicious functionality of a Trojan Horse may be anything undesirable for a computer user, including data destruction or compromising a system by providing a means for another computer to gain access, thus bypassing normal access controls.

             A worm is a program that makes and facilitates the distribution of copies of itself; for example, from one disk drive to another, or by copying itself using email or another transport mechanism. The worm may do damage and compromise the security of the computer. It may arrive via exploitation of a system vulnerability or by clicking on an infected e-mail.

Boot sector Virus:
            A virus which attaches itself to the first part of the hard disk that is read by the computer upon bootup. These are normally spread by floppy disks.

Macro Virus:
           Macro viruses are viruses that use another application's macro programming language to distribute themselves.
They infect documents such as MS Word or MS Excel and are typically spread to other similar documents.

Memory Resident Viruses:
           Memory Resident Viruses reside in a computers volitale memory (RAM). They are initiated from a virus which runs on the computer and they stay in memory after it's initiating program closes.

Rootkit Virus:
A rootkit virus is an undetectable virus which attempts to allow someone to gain control of a computer system. The term rootkit comes from the linux administrator root user. These viruses are usually installed by trojans and are normally disguised as operating system files.

Polymorphic Viruses:
           A polymorphic virus not only replicates itself by creating multiple files of itself, but it also changes it's digital signature every time it replicates. This makes it difficult for less sophisticated antivirus software to detect.

Logic Bombs/Time Bombs:
These are viruses which are programmed to initiate at a specific date or when a specific event occurs. Some examples are a virus which deletes your photos on Halloween, or a virus which deletes a database table if a certain employee gets fired.

Sunday 26 August 2012

New Microsoft logo: Rants and raves

Microsoft logo

Invention uses human body as touchpad

                                   Think of it as a new form of body art. A PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University's Human-Computer Interaction Institute has created a new user interface for mobile devices that turns the human body into a touchpad. The idea is to use the technology as an input mechanism for mobile devices that are not big enough to include one.
The Borg-like technology, called "skinput," involves attaching acoustic sensors to the upper arm to pick up tiny vibrations created when fingers tap or flick across the skin's surface. A machine learning algorithm then interprets the input for forwarding to the target device.
The inventor, third year PhD student Chris Harrison, will present a paper on the technology at the Association for Computing Machinery's Human Factors in Computing Systems conference on April 12. Harrison released a YouTube video and information about the project last month.

The device, which Harrison envisions being worn like a wristwatch, would allow control of a projected keypad or other user interface displayed directly on the skin - or it could allow the wearer to control a basic device such as an MP3 player without a template, simply by tapping fingers, the inventor claims.
Harrison developed the prototype last year during an internship at Microsoft. Initial tests show the device to be about 88% accurate in interpreting inputs. But it does have limitations. It may not work so well on "heavier, fleshier people," the inventor says. And forget about using it in the gym: Running generates noise that degrades the signals.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Secret Codes for Nokia

Codes :
1) *#06# For checking IMEI(international Mobile Equipment Identity)
2) *#7780# Reset to factory settings
3) *#0000# To view software version
4) *#2820# Bluetooth device address
5) *#746025625# Sim clock allowed status
6) #pw+1234567890+1# Shows if ur sim as any restrictions

Why the local disk A or B is not visible?

The Floppy disk is visible in this local disk B.

What is NTN?

                The Network Terminal Tumber (NTN) is a set of digits that make up the full address of the end point to a data terminal. It is either a ten or eleven digit number found in the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) X.25 14-digit address.
The NTN is ten digits in length when it is not part of a national integrated numbering format. When it is part of a national integrated numbering format, it is eleven digits in length. In both cases, it follows the Data Network Identification Code (DNIC) in the CCITT X.25 14-digit address.

 NTN is also chat slang for "nothing."          

Basic shortcut keys

Shortcut KeysDescription
Alt + FFile menu options in current program.
Alt + EEdit options in current program
F1Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
Ctrl + ASelect all text.
Ctrl + XCut selected item.
Shift + DelCut selected item.
Ctrl + CCopy selected item.
Ctrl + InsCopy selected item
Ctrl + VPaste
Shift + InsPaste
HomeGoes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl + HomeGoes to beginning of document.
EndGoes to end of current line.
Ctrl + EndGoes to end of document.
Shift + HomeHighlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + EndHighlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl + Left arrowMoves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow Moves one word to the right at a time.

What is Solenoid?

                          A solenoid can be a thin wire looped, or wrapped, around a metallic object. When electricity is passed through the wire, a magnetic field is generated. A solenoid can also be a transducer that converts energy in linear motion. It can be used as a switch to turn something on or off.
Computer motherboards contain solenoids and perform various functions. One important function is to help regulate the power coming from the power supply, in order to minimize the chance of voltage spikes and motherboard damage 

what is Blender?

                                   Blender is a 3D computer graphics software program for developing animated movies, visual effects, 3D games and software. Blender is an open source program, free to anyone for use. It offers many features including 3D modeling, texturing, rigging and skinning, fluid and smoke simulation, animation, rendering and video editing.
Blender was originally developed by NeoGeo and Not a Number Technologies in 1998 and was licensed as shareware. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems. It functions best on a computer having a 2 GHz dual or quad core processor, 8 to 16 GB RAM, an OpenGL, ATI FireGL or Nvidia Quadro video card with 1 GB RAM, and a monitor that supports 1920x1200 resolution and 24-bit color.

What is DTX?

                               DTX is a form factor for motherboards, a variation of the ATX form factor. It was originally developed by AMD in January 2007 and was designed for smaller computers like home theater PCs (media center computers). The physical dimensions of a DTX motherboard is 8.0 inches by 9.6 inches and the board allowed for 2 expansion slots. A somewhat smaller version was also developed, called the Mini-DTX, having dimensions of 8.0 inches by 6.7 inches.

The DTX form factor provided a lower cost of manufacturing, due to the fewer layers of printed circuit board wiring required to make the board. It was intended to be an industry standard for small form factor computers, like the Shuttle "SFF" design. DTX motherboards are backward compatible with the ATX form factor, fitting in computer cases designed for ATX motherboards. It also works with a standard power supply, requiring the same 24-pin power connector that the ATX motherboard requires.

Computer manufacture company list

Alienware Alienware company information.
Apple Apply company information.
Acer Acer company information.
Asus Asus company information.
Compaq Compaq company information.
CTX CTX company information.
Dell Dell company information.
Digital Digital company information.
DTK DTK company information.
E-machines E-machines company information.
Fujitsu Fujitsu company information.
Gateway Gateway company information.
HP Hewlett Packard company information.
IBM IBM company information.
Lenovo Lenovo company information.
Micron Micron company information.
NEC NEC company information.
Packard Bell Packard Bell company information.
Quantum Quantum company information.
Toshiba Toshiba company information.
Maxtor Maxtor company information.
Sony Sony company information.
Zenith Zenith company information.

How to deactivate your Facebook account?

  • Go to Account menu on far top right corner of the page and select Account -> Account Settings then from here you'll be on the Settings tab the last option below is Deactivate Account and select it.
  • After you have done this, Facebook will ask to that this is indeed what you want to do and you select to confirm.

Move over to Account menu on far top right corner of the page and select Account -  Account Settings
Move over to Account menu on far top right corner of the page and select Account - Account Settings
From there you'll be at Settings tab and it's the last option on this tab:  Deactivate Account and select it.

How to block Web Sites without any Softwares?


1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

2] Find the file named "HOSTS"

3] Open it in notepad

4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.

5] Done!

CD on one side, DVD on the other

A group of record labels announced on Tuesday plans to introduce a new disc format later this year that combines CD and DVD technology.
The consortium, which includes major labels EMI Music, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group, said the DualDisc product has a full album on a CD side of the disc and the album in enhanced sound--such as DVD-Audio--on the other side. The DVD side also includes a range of features, such as music videos, interviews, photo galleries, Web links, concert footage and lyrics, the DualDisc Consortium said.

How can I hide or delete the Windows desktop Recycle Bin?

To hide the Windows Recycle Bin follow the below steps for the version of Windows you're running.
Tip: Before hiding the Windows desktop Recycling Bin icon you may want to make Windows not send files to the Recycling Bin.
Microsoft Windows Vista and 7 users
  1. Right-click on the Desktop.
  2. Click Personalize.
  3. In the Personalize appearance and sounds window click the Change desktop icons link on the left-hand side.
  4. Uncheck the Recycle Bin box.
Microsoft Windows XP users
  1. Download and install Windows TweakUI.
  2. Open TweakUI and click Desktop as shown in the picture to the right.
  3. In the Desktop section uncheck the Recycle Bin box
  4. Click Ok.

What are the F1 through F12 keys?

What are the F1 through F12 keys?

Commonly known as "function keys", F1 through F12 may have a variety of different uses or no use at all. Depending on the installed operating system and the software program currently open will change how each of these keys operate. A program is capable of not only using each of the function keys, but also combining the function keys with the ALT or CTRL key, for example, Microsoft Windows users can press ALT + F4 to close the program currently active.
Below is a short-listing of some of the common functions of the functions keys on computers running Microsoft Windows. As mentioned above not all programs support function keys and may perform different tasks then those mentioned below. If you are looking for more specific shortcut keys and function key examples we suggest seeing our shortcut key page.
  • Almost always used as the help key, almost every program will open the help screen when this key is pressed.
  • Enter CMOS Setup.
  • Windows Key + F1 would open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
  • Open the Task Pane.
  • In Windows commonly used to rename a highlighted icon or file.
  • Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens document window in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + F2 displays the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
  • Enter CMOS Setup.
  • Often opens a search feature for many programs including Microsoft Windows.
  • In MS-DOS or Windows command line F3 will repeat the last command.
  • Shift + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word from upper to lower case or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.
  • Open find window.
  • Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
  • Alt + F4 will close the program currently active in Microsoft Windows.
  • Ctrl + F4 will close the open window within the current active window in Microsoft Windows.
  • In all modern Internet browsers pressing F5 will refresh or reload the page or document window.
  • Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.
  • Starts a slideshow in PowerPoint.
  • Commonly used to spell check and grammar check a document in Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
  • Shift + F7 runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted.
  • Turns on Caret browsing in Mozilla Firefox.
  • Function key used to enter the Windows startup menu, commonly used to access Windows Safe Mode.
  • Opens the Measurements toolbar in Quark 5.0.
  • Open the Save as window in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F12 save the Microsoft Word document.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12 prints a document in Microsoft Word.
  • Preview a page in Microsoft Expression Web
  • Open Firebug.
Tip: Earlier IBM computers also had F13 - F24 on the keyboards. However, because these keyboards are no longer used they are not listed on this page.

Friday 24 August 2012

Top 10 Antivirus in 2012

Antivirus software 
1.Bit defender Antivirus                             

2.Kaspersky Antivirus

3.Panda Antivirus

4.F-secure Antivirus

5.AVG Antivirus

6.Avast Antivirus

7.G-Data Antivirus

8.Bull guard Antivirus

9.Avira antivirus

10.ESET NOD32 Antivirus

Thursday 23 August 2012

"First "

* The first search engine originally name was "archives," but it was shortened to Archie.It was created in 1990 by Alan Emtage

* The first widely-used web browser was Mosaic by Marc Andersen and Eric Bina at the NCSA at the University of Illinois. The first version was written for X-Windows on Unix, and it was later ported to other operating systems.It was developed in the year of 1993. Another web browser Netscape Navigator, in 1994.
*The first Operating System was officially introduced DOS later named PC-DOS by IBM. ‘produced’ by Microsoft in 1986

*The first email was  ARPANET email in the year of 1971.(gmail -  2004)


1.Bluetooth - Bluetooth was developed in 1994 by Sven Mattisson and Jaap Haartsen

2.Pen Drive or USB flash drive - USB flash drives were invented by Amir Ban, Dov Moran and Oron Ogdan in 1999. But Trek Technology and IBM began selling the first USB flash drives commercially in 2000.  

3.Memory card or chip - Memory card was invented by Roland Moreno in 1982  But Flash Memory card or Flash Drive (both NOR and NAND types) was invented by Dr. Fujio Masuoka while working for Toshiba circa in 1980.

4.Computer Mouse - Computer Mouse invented by Douglas Engelbert in 1968.

5.Computer Keyboard - Christopher Latham Sholes invented the "QWERTY" typewriter keyboard layout in 1873.

6.Computer Monitor- Computer Monitor was invented by Allen B. DuMont in the year 1920.

7.Hard Disk- Reynold B. Johnson  was an American inventor and computer pioneer. A long-time employee of IBM, Johnson is said to be the "father" of the disk drive. In the year of invention 1954.(1952-1954)

8.Motherboard - Motherboard was invented by  Joel Jolly in the year of 1976
9.Compact Disc - Compact disc was invented by James Russell in the year of 1965.
10.Computer Printer - In 1953, the first high-speed printer was developed by Remington-Rand for use on the Univac computer.   In 1938, Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process called electrophotography commonly called a Xerox, the foundation technology for laser printers to come.


               DivX is a brand name of products created by DivX, Inc.  including the DivX Codec which became popular due to its ability to compress lengthy video segments into small sizes while maintaining relatively high visual quality.
There are two DivX codecs; the regular MPEG-4 Part 2 DivX codec and the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC DivX Plus HD codec. It is one of several codecs commonly associated with "ripping", whereby audio and video multimedia are transferred to a hard disk and trans coded.

DivX Media Format (DMF)

              DivX 6 expanded the scope of DivX from including just a codec and a player by adding an optional media container format called "DivX Media Format"  that includes support for the following DVD-Video and VOB container like features. This media container format is used for the MPEG-4 Part 2 codec.
  • DivX Media Format (DMF) features:
    • Interactive video menus
    • Multiple subtitles (XSUB)
    • Multiple audio tracks
    • Multiple video streams (for special features like bonus/extra content, just like on DVD-Video movies)
    • Chapter points
    • Other metadata (XTAG)
    • Multiple format
    • Partial backwards compatibility with AVI


 DVD-Digital Versatile Disc

                     DVD is an optical disc storage format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions.

DVD Formats :

There are several recordable DVD formats.

  • DVD-R (often pronounced DVD-minus-R or DVD-dash-R) is a 4.7 gigabyte single-layer DVD that can be recorded to once. It cannot be written to in a DVD+R drive, although a DVD+R drive may or may not be able to play it back. Consumer DVD players will play these discs.
  • DVD-RW is a rewritable version of DVD-R, and has the same size and restrictions on use.
  • DVD-RAM is a special DVD format intended for computer use only. It uses a disc inside a special cartridge, and cannot be read or written in any other type of drive.
  • DVD+R (often pronounced DVD-plus-R) is a one-time recordable format like DVD-R which uses a slightly different recording technology. You can't write a DVD+R disc in a DVD-R drive, but you can usually read or play a disc of either format in a player of the other format, and also in consumer DVD players.
  • DVD+RW, despite the name, is more closely related in terms of technology to DVD-RW than DVD+R. It's an erasable, rewritable format.
  • DVD+R DL is a dual-layer version of DVD+r and can hold roughly twice as much data (almost 9 gigabytes.)

Blu-ray Disc/HD DVD

               In 2006, two new formats called HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc were released as the successor to DVD. HD DVD competed unsuccessfully with Blu-ray Disc in the format war of 2006–2008. A dual layer HD DVD can store up to 30GB and a dual layer Blu-ray disc can hold up to 50GB

Compact Disc (CD)

               In 2002 the American Computer Museum honored James Russell as the inventor of the digital compact disc; Russell actually holds twenty-two patents on the compact disc he invented in 1965. In 1979 Phillips and Sony collaborated developing the digital audio disc and by 1982 the first CD recording, "The Visitors" by ABBA, was recorded. All compact discs store the data in pits on a thin film of aluminum over a plastic disc that is 1.2 mm thick. There are several different kinds of compact discs, but they all do the same thing: store digital information.

Types of Compact Discs

  1. CD ROM

    • The term ROM means "read only memory" and describes all prerecorded CD's that contain music. A recording of the music is burned into the CD by the vendor and cannot be erased or changed. CD ROM recordings can be played on any standard CD player, and contain 650 megabytes of storage, about the amount contained in 700 floppy disks.


    • The Mini CD is only 80 mm, or about three inches, wide and holds a maximum of 24 minutes of music or 210 megabytes of data. Mini CD's are compatible with most CD players. The depression that a normal size CD fits into also has a smaller well in the middle of it that will hold a Mini CD. The most common use for the mini format is for single song recordings, but they are also used by businesses for advertising purposes.

    • The "R" in CD-R stands for recordable. The CD-R allows the user to record data or music only once. Some CD-R's hold as much as 80 minutes of music, but 74 minutes is the usual amount of music storage available. CD-R can be used to store a wide variety of digital data in much the same way that data was stored on a floppy disk. The data does not become a permanent part of the disc until it is burned in by a CD burner, which is included in most computers.


    • Although the "R" in CD+R stands for recordable, a CD+R disc is not compatible with a CD-R. The +R format was developed by a group of companies to increase the amount of storage available on a compact disc. The double layer technology in a CD+R allows for almost twice as much storage space as a standard CD-R.


    • The CD-RW can be used as a normal CD-R, but it can also be erased and re-used. A CD burner will use its highest laser power to melt the recording layer to record data onto a CD. The CD-RW burner uses its medium level of laser power to melt the data layer so new data can be added to the disk. To read a CD, a CD player uses the lowest amount of laser power and will not change the recorded layer.

Bits And Bytes Conversion Tables

1 Bit
 Binary Digit
8 Bits
 1 Byte
1024 Bytes
 1 Kilobyte
1024 Kilobytes
 1 Megabyte
1024 Megabytes
 1 Gigabyte
1024 Gigabytes
 1 Terabyte
1024 Terabytes
 1 Petabyte
1024 Petabytes
 1 Exabyte -
1024 Exabytes
 1 Zettabyte
1024 Zettabytes
 1 Yottabyte
1024 Yottabytes
 1 Brontobyte

Largest Website

                                     The largest would be the National Climatic Data Center (NOAA) with over 400,000 GB. At number two is NASA EOSDIS with over 300,000 GB of data. The National Oceanographic (combined with Geophysical) Data Center (NOAA) is number three with almost 35,000 GB.

The Size of Google

                          How big is Google? As of September 30, 2009, the total number of employees working at the company was 19,786. The total revenue posted by the firm increased in 2008 amounting to $21.796 billion. On the other hand, the company’s operating income is $6.632 billion. The net income posted by the company is $4.227 billion. The total asset of the firm is $31.768 while the total equity is $28.239.

First computer name

                            The first ELECTRONIC computer - Colossus was the first electronic computer developed by the British to crack the LORENZ codes used by the German high command.

The existence of Colossus remained a secret long after WWII. Until recently ENIAC was thought to be the first, but the secrecy of H.A.L. was finally lifted and we find it (and 9 others) were first operational in Jan 1944 while various portions of ENIAC were made operational in the period of June 1944 through October 1945. The First Computer Used In Vacuam Tubes


Short history of first computer

 Short history of first computer

                               One of the earliest machines designed to assist people in calculations was the abacus which is still being used some 5000 years after its invention.
In 1642 Blaise Pascal (a famous French mathematician) invented an adding machine based on mechanical gears in which numbers were represented by the cogs on the wheels.
Englishman, Charles Babbage, invented in the 1830's a "Difference Engine" made out of brass and pewter rods and gears, and also designed a further device which he called an "Analytical Engine". His design contained the five key characteristics of modern computers:-
  1. An input device
  2. Storage for numbers waiting to be processed
  3. A processor or number calculator
  4. A unit to control the task and the sequence of its calculations
  5. An output device
Augusta Ada Byron (later Countess of Lovelace) was an associate of Babbage who has become known as the first computer programmer.