Saturday 22 September 2012



1. Strengths and Weakness or Positive and Ngative Points
Ans: You should know strengths and weakness.Don’t try to copy others Weakness and Strong points try to ask these questions to yourself and prepare these questions few days before from interview. And you should have real examples or try to make examples of your strengths and weakness. If you say you are a voracious reader then you should be capable of giving a related real life example where you can say you are a voracious reader.
2. What are your Hobbies ?
Ans: Don’t try to make fool of them,if you do so ,probably you may get catched by them if you are violating your previous spoken words.Always assert your real hobbies or that you actually do in free time. Because they will ask a lot of questions from your hobbies part.Like your hobbies include Cricket so they may ask you questions related to that not hard ones but general.So be prepare for that.
3. Extra co-curricular activities
Ans: Explain what you have done apart from your studies,it may be anything in which you feels your passion ,and you must have did something in that.
4. Tell me about yourself.
Ans: Tell them your Bio data which include all the information in the Bio data and be fluent while speaking about yourself.Because the one doesn’t know about himself or have hesitation in speaking about himself is of no use for them.
5. What experience do you have in this field?
Ans:If you are a fresher then you doesn’t have any experience then tell them about the project on which you have worked and about the training in company.
6. What do you know about this organization?
Ans: This is one of the most important question because you are going to join their organization and must know about them.You should search about TCS and know latest happenings, awards won by TCS and a little history of TCS. You can go to for that information.
7. Are you a team player?
8. Why should we hire you?
Ans: In this part you should tell your strength and how their company is going to get benefit from it and you can use them in their firm so that company will get benefit from it.
9. What is your greatest strength?
10. Tell me about your dream job?
11. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
12. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
13. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
14. Do you have any questions for TCS?
Ans: This is also one of the important question to answer at last of the interview so prepare yourself for such a question before going to interview. But questions about Payscale, working hours should not be asked which make them feel that your thinking is too narrow,cheap You can go for socialism if you like social services. And many other questions are there. But what is more important is, to ask a question because that shows your interest in company.Make yourself completely prepare for this question.
And try to get answers of these questions from yourself,ask yourself about these questions.



Steps to Tackle Error 404-page not found:
1.Go to your site.
2.Now go to SEO which is on left side and click on it ,you will get Permalinks .
3.Click Permalinks ,you will get Permalink Settings .
4.Now select the checkbox in front of Strip the category and checkbox front ofRedrict attachment URL’s to parent post URL.
5.Now go to Edit files which is also under SEO,here you will get .htaccess file,now resave it .
6.As you perform both step no 4 and 5,error 404 will be solved.

TCS-Technical Interview Questions:
•What is static variable?
•What does a pointer mean?
•What is a structure?
•What are the differences between structures and arrays?
•In header files whether functions are declared or defined?
•What are the differences between malloc() and calloc()?
•What are macros? what are its advantages and disadvantages?
•Difference between pass by reference and pass by value?
•What is static identifier?
•Where are the auto variables stored?
•Where does global, static, local, register variables, free memory and C Program instructions get stored?
•Difference between arrays and linked list?
•What are enumerations?
•What is a class?
•What is an object?
•What is the difference between an object and a class?
•What is the difference between class and structure?
•What is public, protected, private?
•What are virtual functions?
•What is friend function?
•What is a scope resolution operator?
•What do you mean by inheritance?
•What is abstraction?
•What is a data structure?
•What does abstract data type means?
•Evaluate the following prefix expression ” ++ 26 + – 1324″ (Similar types can be asked)
•Convert the following infix expression to post fix notation ((a+2)*(b+4)) -1 (Similar types can be asked)
•How is it possible to insert different type of elements in stack?
•Stack can be described as a pointer. Explain.
•Write a Binary Search program
•What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface?
•What is user defined exception?
•What do you know about the garbage collector?
•What is the difference between java and c++?
•In an HTML form I have a button which makes us to open another page in 15 seconds. How will you do that?
•What is the difference between process and threads?
•What is update method called?
•Have you ever used HashTable and Directory?
•What are statements in Java?
•What is RMI?
•Explain about RMI Architecture?
•What are Servelets?
•What is the use of servlets?
•Explain RMI Architecture?
•How will you pass values from HTML page to the servlet?
•How do you load an image in a Servelet?
•What is purpose of applet programming?
•How will you communicate between two applets?
•What are the basic functions of an operating system?
•Explain briefly about, processor, assembler, compiler, loader, linker and the functions executed by them.
•What are the difference phases of software development? Explain briefly?
•Differentiate between RAM and ROM?
•What is DRAM? In which form does it store data?
•What is cache memory?
•What is hard disk and what is its purpose?
•Differentiate between Complier and Interpreter?
•What are the different tasks of Lexical analysis?
•What are the different functions of Syntax phase, Scheduler?

If you are a Electronics student some topics are suggested for you to be asked at the time of interview.Prepare the subject well but do not go so deep,but keep overview of all subjects.
  •  Digital electronics basic
  •  Diodes basic
  •  Terms like amplifier, IC, filter (only the basic information)
  • Some basics of C/C++
  •  Difference between 8085 and 8086
  • Communication basics
  •  How does 1G, 2G, 3G, GSM, CDMA etc just basics
  •  What is OSI layer model
  •  What is LAN, WAN, MAN
  •  Tell about Router and Topologies, TCP/IP model.

Some questions asked to Electronics Students during Technical Interview at Campus Recruitment in Jabalpur – 2011:
  • What is MOSFET
  • What is LCS
  • What is LED TV
  • Differentiate between LCD,LED and PLASMA.
  • Explain working of an LCD and PLASMA TV.
  • Draw the diagram of MOSFET
  • What is norton’s theorem
  • What is mobile communication
  • Working of keypad in a mobile unit
  • Call-generation through a mobile
  • In a mobile how does * and # works or what is its use
  • Explain LED.
  • What is MATLAB

Top 10 software companies in India-2012

Top 10 software companies in India-2012

1.Tata consulting service(TCS)
4.Mahindra Satyam
6.Tech Mahindra
7.iGate Patni
8.I-Flex Solutions(part of oracle)
9.MPHASIS(an HP company)
10.L&T Infotech

Top 10 software companies in world 2102

Top 10 software companies in world-2102

8.CA Technologies

Monday 10 September 2012

Google Web History(New feature in google)

What is Google Web History

This free service remembers where you’ve been on the web when you’re logged into your Google account. You might think of Google web history as a password protected online audit trail of your web activity. Although it doesn’t store the page contents, it does grab the URL of pages you’ve visited along with a timestamp. If you’re accessing a secure page such as those with https://, your activity isn’t recorded. It also records your Google searches.
Although the web history can include your Google searches and visited pages this doesn’t mean it will record everything by default. There are some requirements. For Google to record web page visits, you need to install the Google toolbar for your browser and enable the Page Rank and Page Info option. Without the toolbar, only your searches will be saved.
Another variable is when you opened your Google account. By default, Google now enables this feature for new accounts. It’s possible you missed this text when you signed up.

How do I see my Google Web History

1. Go to
2. In the top right corner, look for the link My Account. You may need to Sign In first.
3. From your Google Account page, click Web History from the Services column on the right.
If Google has been capturing your data, you should see results like the screen snap below.

What Does Google Web History Show?

Like most Google products, the screen is nicely organized in thirds. The left column represents different Google properties you can scan or actions on your content. The middle section is the main area and provides the details. The far right provides a calendar if you wish to refine your content to a specific day.
The main content area depicts my web history for July 30th in chronological order. There are three types of items represented, which equate to the numbered markers.
Item 1 - An example of a Google search. I was searching for the Google toolbar for IE.
Item 2 - This is an example of a web page I visited that day. Since I’ve enabled Page Rank and Info with my Google toolbar, non-Google pages such as the Weather Underground page are logged.
Item 3 - This is an example of a bookmark as shown by the gold star. You can also add notes or labels to bookmarks for classification.

Acting on the Data

One nice feature of the service is that you can act on your stored data. You can use the search textbox to find a site you can’t remember. For example, while searching for a restaurant recently, I reviewed many online menus. Later, I needed to find which of the menus had a salmon entrĂ©e.
Google also does make the categorization easier with the links on the left side. An item to note is these side links relate to Google properties. As example, my visit to the New York Times site was not categorized as News. Only stories I read from Google News would show in this section.
Another feature that will appeal to people is being able to bookmark a page after the fact. How many times have you visited a site and forgot to note or bookmark it? With web history, you can mark an item at any time. Google provides a bookmark button at the bottom of each page. You can even export your bookmarks.

Building a Web Profile

In some regards, it’s great to be able to use someone else’s servers to store your web history and bookmarks. You’re not dependent on being on a specific computer. I can do research at my public library and see the information when I return home. It’s also nice that Google can leverage this data to make your future Google searches more relevant based on items I’ve viewed. Even the Trends section is interesting by spotting places you frequently visit or your top queries.
This personalization also raises concerns for people. There are plenty of people who dislike this tracking behavior. They don’t think anyone should track your web movements in this fashion whether it’s Google or their government. While Google has stated how they use the data and how it can benefit you, people still wonder what other inferences they might draw based on your activity. Certainly, they are not the first service to use previous transactions for recommendations, nor will they be the last. Just think of the number of online retailers that use past purchases for recommendations.

Stop the Data Capture & Erase Google Web History

Google has provided several options for people to remove data. You can easily check items and delete them from your web history. This is a useful feature around holidays where maybe you don’t want tracks left at online retailers. Of course, this really only applies if you didn’t log out of your Google account and someone knew how to access the page. There is also a feature where you can pause the service from your web history page.
At some point, you may decide you don’t want Google to retain your web history. If that’s the case, you can delete your data.
1. Go to
2. Sign into your account.
3. Click the My Account link in the top right.
4. Click the Edit link to the right of My services.
5. Click Delete Web History.
6. Read the warning on the page.
7. Check the box Yes, I want to permanently remove Web history from my Google account.
8. Enter your current Google password.
9. Click Remove Web History.